Description Features Gallery
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Hdd docking station

Natec Kangaroo DUAL is a functional drive enclosure that allows you to quickly and easily access data stored on SSD or HDD disks without having to mount the disks in the computer. This device is especially useful for laptops where there is no physical possibility of connecting additional SSD / HDD drives.  

Manage your data in a simple and convenient way!
Special features
Practical and functional

Kangaroo is a small device that allows for simple and quick data management. Thanks to two pockets, the station also allows you to clone disks without connecting the drive to a computer.

Fast and compatible

The station is connected to the computer via the usb 3.0 port, which enables data transfer with a speed of up to 5gbps. Kangaroo supports 2.5 and 3.5 inch drives up to 8 tb with sata i / ii / iii interface.  

Additional features
Simple and practical

A well-thought-out design in a compact size makes the disk mountable without any tools and additionally it can be inserted and removed from the station in the hot swap mode . After connecting the station to the tv, you can also use it as a media player.

Modern design

The Natec Kangaroo docking station is characterized by a minimalist and modern design and an ergonomic shape that will successfully fit into any office space.

Supported disks 2.5", 3.5"
Disk slot numbers 2
Transmission speed 5 Gbit/s
Connectors SATA (22-pin), USB Type-B
USB Version 3.0
Work signal LED
Colour Black
System requirements
Supported Operating Systems MAC, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP
24 months manufacturer's warranty
We adapt to you
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