Description Features Gallery
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Very large mouse pad

Natec Discoveries is a very large mouse pad with dimensions of 800x400mm with unique graphics showing the current political map of the world along with the main expeditions of the era of great geographical discoveries. The routes contain the names of the explorers, dates of individual expeditions, as well as the names and sketches of the flagships.

Extremely large surface and eye-catching print
special features
High quality materials

The top layer of the pad is made of a waterproof fabric, ensuring high precision of tracking mouse movements and reducing the friction of the mouse on the surface. The rubber bottom layer is non-slip.

Unique print

The main distinguishing feature of Natec Discoveries is a unique graphic depicting a political map of the world along with the main expeditions of the era of great geographical discoveries. The routes contain the names of the explorers, dates of individual expeditions, as well as the names and sketches of the flagships.

additional features
Large area

The area of ​​800 x 400 mm provides a very large usable space and will allow for comfortable use. The edges of the pad are covered with a material that will additionally protect it against damage.


The pad is designed for both optical and laser mice. Its subtle colours make the pad an interesting addition in any interior.

Material Rubber, Fabric
Illumination No
Waterproof Yes
Double-sided No
Colour Multicolor
24 months manufacturer's warranty
Length 800 mm
Width 400 mm
Height 3 mm
We adapt to you
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