Description Features Gallery
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Camera cover

Privacy protection is an extremely important element in times of rapidly advancing technology. Natec Crayfish will allow you to effectively protect yourself against the effects of a hacking attack. Say goodbye to removing the cap every time you need to use the camera. Thanks to the sliding cover, you will reveal the lens and make a video call at any time.

Safety and comfort in an aesthetic edition
special features
Increasing security

Crayfish is a high-quality cover that allows you to block the camera in electronic devices, giving users  a sense of security and peace. Cover your camera and minimize the effects of a possible hacker attack.

Easy application

The assembly of the cap is extremely simple, fast and requires no special tools. All you need to do is clean the surface where you want to put the cover, peel off the blue tape and stick the cover in the right place.

additional features
Versatile application

The cover is compatible with most devices, regardless of their size. Thanks to this you can easily make it fit your equipment. The thickness of the cap is only 0.8 mm, which means that it does not affect the functioning of the devices on which it is located.

Aesthetic appearance

Crayfish is a combination of effectiveness with elegant design. The black cap with a matte surface is an inconspicuous accessory that will discreetly adapt to the equipment. Add a touch of style to your device and take care of your security at the same time.

Compatibility Universal
Colour Black
24 months manufacturer's warranty
Length 9 mm
Width 18 mm
Height 0.8 mm
We adapt to you
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