Description Features Gallery
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Work more efficiently with Natec Fly

Meet Natec Fly - a small BT 5.0 receiver that will streamline your work and allow you to connect several devices simultaneously. Bet on simple operation and compatibility with Windows systems. With Natec Fly, it's as easy as ever.

Main features
Connect up to 7 devices simultaneously

Do you use wireless accessories and want to connect them to your desktop computer? This small receiver will allow up to 7 BT devices to operate simultaneously. The maximum range of up to 20 meters is also a big advantage. Problems with a stable connection? With Natec Fly you can forget about them.

Even lower energy consumption

Use equipment with low-energy consumption (BLE) technology, while maintaining the convenience and stability of communication. With Natec Fly, you will use them with ease, reducing frequent battery changes and taking care of the environment.

Additional features
Fast and convenient

Forget about installing additional applications or problematic drivers. All you have to do is connect Natec Fly to your computer. It's really simple.

Compatibility with Windows systems

Natec Fly is reliability and full compatibility with Windows 7/8/10/11 operating systems. Enjoy convenience and performance from the first seconds.

Meet the specifications of Natec Fly
Communication Bluetooth
Connectors USB 2.0 Type-A
Bluetooth version 5.0
Colour Black
Range 20 m
USB Version 2.0
System requirements
Supported Operating Systems Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 7, Windows 8
24 months manufacturer's warranty
We adapt to you
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